Three Steps to Following Your Bliss - The Affirmation Spot for Friday March 7, 2008

Today’s affirmation is:
“A new day dawns...I am a new person today; a better person, a healthier person, a happier person." (click the affirmation to hear in mp3)

Joseph CampbellThe famous comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell once said:"When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else."By bliss, Campbell was referring to your true life's purpose. He meant those activities, things, or people that are your reason for being.What is your bliss? Do you know? Have you found it? These are questions you must answer for yourself.Not one other person on the planet can answer them for you. That's what Campbell means when he talks about the doors that wouldn't be there for anyone else. The doors are individual to each of us. Think about that for a moment. You and only you have the password to unlock certain untapped, unique potentials that can be born into this universe only through you. How is that for important?Follow these three steps to discover your bliss:
  1. Find it - Your bliss is what lends more meaning, gives more joy and more peace, and provides a greater sense of accomplishment than anything else in your life. What is your bliss? The answer may or may not be readily apparent. You might have to do some significant self reflection to discover it. Is your life aligned with those things?
  2. Believe it - Believe you can follow your bliss and succeed. We too easily discount our bliss as unrealistic or not possible. Ask yourself, "Is not following my bliss more realistic?" What are the costs to ignoring your deepest impulses? You have to believe these profound instincts are important enough to act upon and you need to believe!
  3. Pursue it - once you identify your bliss, pursue it with passion. Campbell relates, from his study of myriad myths and allegories from around the world, that when a person follows his or her bliss with passion; the universe or God opens the pathway to achieve it.

Once you find your bliss, believe it, and begin pursuing it with passion, watch in amazement as the universe rearranges itself to come to your aid.Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2: 1001 Power Thoughts for Daily Life.Thanks for sharing this page with a friend!Yahoo! My Web GmailDigg it Twitter Facebook MySpaceStumbleupon GoogleReddit
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