A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose - An Update

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213frkycoul__aa_sl110_.jpgAs many of you have probably noticed the past couple of weeks, my wife and I have been reading Eckhart Tolle's new book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.The book is the latest Oprah's Book Club selection. She thought so much of this book that she put together a 10-week global interactive webinar to share it with the world. The live webinar takes place each Monday night at 9 p.m. eastern, 8 p.m. central. In between classes, people can work on personalized workbooks and discuss the class online. April and I registered for the class that started last night. We've been reading the book together. Right now we're on chapter 3. Based on what I've read so far, I heartily recommend this book. If you are far along on your spiritual path, this book is going to remind you of some very important things that you may have forgotten or overlooked. If your journey is just beginning, this book provides a great foundation.Last night during the live webcast there were a lot of questions from Oprah's Christian fans about whether this book is "new agey" and fits with their Christian outlook. Several Christians gave testimonials as to how the book was strengthening and deepening their faith.Eckhart Tolle, the author, provided some fantastic insight into the issue for Christians or others concerned about how the book meshes with their faith. Obviously, these are decisions that each believer must make for himself or herself.The book is outstanding. Week one of the webcast was wonderful (with the exception of some technical issues). This morning the report on Oprah's website was that 500,000 people were logged in simultaneously last night making it the largest single event in the history of the Internet. Oprah reported on her show yesterday that people from 139 countries had registered for the course.The bandwidth (for those of you not familiar with how the Internet works, this is huge) was pushing 242 Gbps. That caused some technical issues. They are working to get the issue corrected for next Monday night's session. It's Not Too LateIt's not too late to become part of this historic global webinar and get the benefits of the author's insights as you read the book. Last night's  first session can be downloaded to day from either Oprah.com or iTunes.You can also still register for the webinar at on the registration page at Oprah.com.Be peaceful Be positive!RayThe Affirmation Spot.com

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Link to this blog entry:The tracback url for this blog is: http://theaffirmationspot.wordpress.com/2008/03/04/a-new-earth-awakening-to-your-lifes-purpose-update/