Affirm With Me: I See The Good Affirmations

Good morning and Happy Tuesday, my friends.

The world and our lives are what we make of them. It all begins with the narrative and who we allow to script it for us.

If you watch too much news or read too many of the angry people on social media, you’ll soon be convinced that everything is going to hell in a hand basket. The sky is falling. You can’t trust anyone. That is letting someone else write your narrative.

For every negative thing that gets reported on the news or argued about on social media, there are a million small acts of kindness, a million positive opportunities, and a million ways forward that don’t involve constant angst and anger.

Psychologically, you will begin to filter the world by what you focus on. It’s that same phenomenon as when you bought your last car and suddenly you noticed that car everywhere.

If you allow others to create a negative narrative in you, you’ll begin see all the evidence for it in your life. With that reinforcement, you’ll head down a negative path.

Or, you can decide your own narrative about the world and your experience will soon reinforce that.

Remember two things today. You’re awesome and put your mind on your side.
