Passive Income Affirmations

Most of us have come to the conclusion that simply having a day job will never grant you either financial freedom nor economic security in this rapidly shifting world.

To secure your economic well-being, you must develop multiple streams of income and as passively as possible to multiply your effort. The goal is to do the work once and keep getting paid.

Fortunately, we live in a moment when there have never been so many ways to do this. It’s not always easy and there’s often work to get something off the ground, but once you do you can see extra money rolling in every month.

Today’s affirmations are aimed at putting your mind on your side in this process. To build a powerful passive income mindset, listen to these affirmations regularly for about three weeks and then periodically after that.

Whatever your means of improving your financial outlook, I wish you success and the jot that can only come when you have more control over your financial destiny.

You’re awesome! You’re ready! Get out there and make it happen!
