There is No Secret Sauce

This Multiverse is an open book. There is no secret sauce. There is no great secret that everyone else is in on and you’ve somehow been left behind.

It’s all right here and knowable to anyone who seeks with determination and sees with clarity.

Is it easy? No. The Multiverse is a perverse trickster appearing in many guises. You’ve been conditioned by a thousand ill-considered paradigms that have sold you your limitedness and and a mythology of disconnection from the whole.

There are no heroes out there to lead you to the truth. The only hero worthy of that journey is the one staring back at you in the mirror each morning.

This is no ego trip run amuck. This is the fundamental truth that each and every one of us, seen clearly in our authenticity, is a tiny replication of the whole and we are able to draw energy and strength we requite from that whole.

Even if you find this hard to believe right now, from your current place on your journey, seek to believe it a little more each day. The truth of it reveals itself the more you shake the cobwebs and see who you truly are.

You are simply amazing! Thank you for your support of this blog and my work!
