I Can and I Can’t

Today’s Affirmation

I can, I know I can, and today I am.

Every day, dozens of times a day, you make a fundamental choice for that moment and your future.

That choice is “I can” or “I can’t.”

Each and every time you make that choice you either open the door to new possibilities or you slam that door shut.

Usually, you’re not saying the words out loud. They’re almost subconscious as you approach the decision on how to handle a thousand situations each day.

The key is each choice also builds momentum for the next choice. One “I can” quickly leads to ten more. One “I can’t” does the same.

Soon we’re living whole days, months, and years with one or the other as well-worn approach to life.

It’s never too late to change. Every choice is a new opportunity to put your trust again in “I can.”

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you are awesome!
