Remembering Who We Truly Are is the Cure

People say our divides are too wide and our differences too much.

Sorry, but I have to call BS on that. If we focus the surface - the masks, roles, and containers - then those people are right.

When we go a layer deeper and remember these forms that seem to separate us are all made of star dust, we begin to see the commonality and unity.

When we go one more step - beyond the material - to the level of consciousness, we smack our foreheads and say, “What was I thinking? Now I remember.”

We remember that we are conscious beings all and call connected to the cosmic consciousness that is our true root system. We remember that we are here playing these games in time and space for the growth, the experience, and the fun.

But, some might counter, “That’s nice but how does it solve inequality, injustice, and suffering?”

To that I reply, no one who has truly understood the truth about who we all are - every one of us - will ever permit any of those ills to be visited upon themselves or anyone else.

Forgetting, separation and the fear they cause are the real problem. Remembering, unification and the love they evoke are the solution.
