Everything Happens for a Reason

“Everything happens for a reason.” I’ll bet most of us have uttered that phrase a few hundred times in our lives.

Often it’s in a moment when something happens that doesn’t make sense or seems unfair. It’s a way to buoy your spirit in a tough moment.

I wonder, though. Do you really believe it? Do you believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason? That would mean that literally nothing happens without a reason and literally everything serves a purpose.

It’s a challenging belief to hold in the face of tragedy and injustice, but it’s also a transcendently powerful belief. Hers why.

If you believe it, then this moment, whatever it is has a purpose. Your life and all your experiences have a purpose. The same is true for every other person and living being around you.

Life has a purpose. The spin of the solar system and the galaxy has a purpose. The universe itself and whatever lies beyond has a purpose.

Their are no accidents, missteps, or mistakes. Everything, despite how it seems, plays a role in the utter perfection and perfect timing of everything else.

For we mere mortals, stuck in the push and pull of time and space, it takes profound wisdom to see the perfection of the big picture. That’s especially true when that perfection means challenge and heartache for us.

Yet, the big perfection requires us all to sacrifice a little for its achievement.

So, the next time you use that phrase, consider the power behind those words and strive to see the bigger perfection beyond this self and this moment.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you are awesome!
