Wednesday Morning RayQuotes for Claiming Your Power

However you want to phrase it, you are the captain, the director, the producer of your life. What you think or don't, what you say or don't, what you do or don't decides your course through this life.

Outside events only provide a set on which to act out this play of self in this interconnected multiverse.

Sometimes, though, we fall out of the captain's seat or even forget who we are and the power we have over our outcomes.

Today I'm sharing some brand new RayQuotes I coined during a thought experiment this morning along with some that I've use for years to empower my own mindset. The power of words is in the feeling they create. That feeling becomes the fuel for action and determination.

Hope you enjoy them. Consider. Saving the ones that resonate with you, printing them, and keeping them close to you during your day to remind you that you are the captain of your life.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!
