It's A BIG Universe and We Have Bigger Dreams to Live

We are living in a crazy, angry, world right now. It's easy to see why. The past year has been brutal psychologically, economically, health-wise for millions of people in our country and around the world.

Let me ask you. When was the last time you went out and looked up at the sky and pondered the bigger picture? When was the last time you pondered the meaning of life beyond the flash and fury and labels that create so much anger and dis-ease?
Did you know this year we will be launching the James Webb Telescope that will orbit the sun independently at a distance of nearly four times the moon from the earth? It will allow us to see exponentially further and deeper in the universe than any telescope to date.

I follow space news quite closely, but I learned something a little while ago. Did you know that among the thousands of exoplanets we've now discovered, there are 24 super-habitable planets that they now believe are better, some far better, suited for life than Earth?

Think about that. The earth is an amazing planet, but our sun and our planet do not measure up to the absolutely ideal conditions for life. Stars and planets with much longer life spans are better suited for life. Planets that are wetter and 5-8 degrees warmer than Earth are better able to create diversity and sheer volume of life.

What are we doing? I mean really. We hate and we argue and some get violent over small questions on a small planet that mostly could solved with a little initiative, insight, and good will.

Why aren't more of us looking out and up and, frankly, in to discover the deeper meaning of life and our profound connection to everything we see?
Someone said today that we are headed down a path of either evolution or revolution. This sounded very similar to the "moment of decision" I've been talking about for 20 years. We keep racing thoughtlessly toward that precipice.

We seem to think that a little more anger, a little more self-righteousness, a little more of us versus them is going to yield a different result than it has for the past 10,000 years.

Maybe, just maybe it's time for us have bigger thoughts and aspire to bigger things. The choice is, as it ever was, ours. The universe is waiting on our decision, but it will go on no matter what we decide.

I vote that we focus that we focus on finding those people on those super-habitable planets, learning what they have to teach us, and teaching what is ours to teach.

Just in case no one else has remind you today, you are awesome!

