2021 - Flowers or Thorns?

Happy New Year, my friends! Simple choices make BIG differences.

We finally have 2020 off the books, but a new year dawns with new challenges and new opportunities.

The great Persian Poet Rumi once wrote:

"When you go to a garden, do you look at thorns or flowers? Spend more time with the roses and jasmine."

The garden can be a metaphor for our lives, the coming year, or many other things. The quote asks you to reflect and then decide where you will spend the valuable energy of your focus.

Every situation, every day, every year, every life has its flowers and its thorns. The sum total of who we become and how we rise or fall depends on whether we habitually pick flowers or thorns as our focus.

I can promise you two things on this New Year's Day. 2021 will have thorns and they will rule your life, if your focus is on them. 2021 will be filled with flowers and you can and will flourish, if you focus on them.

Sometimes we make life too complicated. Simples choices make big differences.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


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