2021 New Year’s Affirmations

Today’s Thought:

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”
~ Bill Vaughn

As you look at that quote, which one fits you? If you’re in the first group, please keep that momentum flowing in your life and the world as you impact it in 2021. If you’re in the latter group, a new year is a new start. It’s a chance to ask whether that way of seeing the world is getting you where you want to go in life.

2021 promises to be an intriguing year. The divisiveness in our culture is running high. Many believe, “I have no choice. I must be at war for my ideas and my ideas must prevail 100 percent all the time.”

Such thinking doesn’t think of the well-being of all. Such thinking is eager to divide us against ourselves; a position that defeats us all, defeats our present, and defeats our future.

This not a world that has been thrust upon us. It’s a world we have chosen, even if unconsciously. We’ve dehumanized people for as little as disagreeing with us. These mindsets must not prevail in 2021 and moving forward.

Many still don’t realize, is that our minds (individually and collectively) are not separate from the world “out there”. Our thoughts are, in fact, the root system of the “tree” we see manifested as the “real” world around us. If you dig up a tree, you will find it all stems from its root system. If you dig up our world of events and experiences, you soon see it is made up of our thoughts.

The cross-currents of disempowerment will be many and vocal in this historic year. The pace of change – real and perceived – is going to pick up during this year because of the built up psychological expectations for it. That makes it more important than ever to empower your mind and think the thoughts and envision the world you desire.

I am posting New Year’s Affirmations a little early so that you can begin using them now to get your new year off to a great start. Here are 24 affirmations to get your new year off to an empowering start.

I recommend you begin the year with using either “this year” or “In 2021,” and as you get beyond the change of the year change it to “Today” or “Right now”.

  1. This year I AM the person I came to the planet to be!
  2. In 2021, I AM the change I want to see in my world!
  3. This year, I AM a miracle in motion!
  4. In 2021, I AM bigger than my doubts, bolder than my fears, and stronger than my obstacles!
  5. This year I challenge my paradigms to prove their worth and I change those paradigms that fail the test.
  6. In 2021, I choose to live in the sunshine of my possibilities, rather than the shadows of my doubt.
  7. This year my life is built on choices, not chances!
  8. In 2021, I breathe in every experience life has to offer and exhale a life well-lived!
  9. This year I AM the engine of my dreams!
  10. In 2021, my life is what I make of it and I choose to make it a _____ place to be!
  11. This year I follow my bliss! This year I experience my bliss! This year I become my bliss!
  12. In 2021, I am an abundance multiplier! As I succeed, I help others succeed too!
  13. My life belongs to me! This year I begin anew!
  14. Forget Resolutions! In 2021, I’m having a thought revolution!
  15. This year I have a budget and I’m sticking to it!
  16. In 2021, I CHOOSE a love centered world over a a fear centered world!
  17. 2021 is MY year! My possibilities multiply, my successes magnify, and my potential is realized!
  18. As I turn my face to 2021, a brilliant new Sun dawns in my life!
  19. An amazing light lives within me! My light grows brighter and brighter throughout 2021!
  20. 2021 brings the perfect people and the perfect opportunities into my life!
  21. My personal economy is robust in 2021! My career/business is zooming to new heights!
  22. My immune system is healthy, strong, and protecting me in 2021!
  23. This year I am flawlessly executing my business plan!
  24. I am rehumanizing my adversaries. I refuse to be a part of the division plaguing our culture.

Stay inspired!
