Speed of Patience

We live in a hurry, hurry world. When I went looking for inspiration to create the Speed of Patience t-shirt design, I found a ton of clever designs that extoll the virtue of having no patience, even glorifying it how easily triggered we are.

I happen to think that patience remains a virtue in our world and is, perhaps, needed now more than ever.

Sometimes life requires us to push, otherwise we'd get run over. Have you ever noticed, though, how often patience pays off just as much as pushing without all the drama?

Here are some #Rayquotes on patience and, if you're interested, have a look at my latest design - Speed of Patience.


  • The world values hurry. The wise invest in patience.
  • For patience to work its magic, you have to let it finish.
  • Acceptance is not giving up. Acceptance is patience in motion.
  • Patience believes in the outcome that hurry doubts.
  • Patience is not the work of sages and saints. Patience must be the work of everyone.
  • Struggles are a blessings because they teach us patience.
  • We must learn patience or be schooled by our impatience.
  • It's amazing how quickly things can happen at the speed of patience.
  • Gold cannot purchase mindfulness, only patience will produce it.
  • That which frustrates us can either raise our blood pressure or teach us patience. It's our choice.
  • Bless everyone and everything that allows you to practice patience.

The design is available in hoodies, t-shirts, long-sleeve tees, and sweatshirts, as well as in multiple colors all with white lettering.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


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