Light Conquers Darkness

Today’s Affirmation

I embody the triumph of light over darkness.

Do you believe good defeats evil, right vanquishes wring, light conquers darkness? There’s no missing the metaphor this time each year. As we approach Winter Solstice n the northern hemisphere, we are also experiencing the longest, darkest nights of the entire year. Then, just when it seems darkness will prevail, the cycle reverses. The days slowly begin to get longer and light is victorious.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, the Solstice, or are just a casual observer, you’ll note this time of year is celebrated as a “season of light” in celebration of this victory; whether you see it as literal or metaphorical.

It begs the question. What’s your life philosophy when it comes to the great battle between light and darkness that wages constantly in our hearts, our minds, and our world? Do you believe in the eventual triumph of light in the human spirit or have you bought into the long night of humanity’s past and given up hope?

Your answer informs your worldview to a large degree. It affects your thinking, your words, your actions, and how you interpret the world around you. All of those create your life experience and the collective belief of a critical mass of people literally creates our world.

We cannot afford to cede victory to the darkness, while claiming to seek a better us and a better world. Hard as it is some days, you’ve got to believe that light is winning and will win in the end.

When you’re firm on that, the cynicism drops away, your mission clarifies, and you become an active participant in ensuring that’s the outcome we’ll experience.

Wishing each of you a light-filled day. Just in case no one has reminded you today, you are awesome!
