12 Peace Affirmations


Peace – from the personal to the global – is a much in demand quality of life. A more peaceful you is a better you. A more peaceful world is a better world.

Despite that, our popular culture dismisses peace as pie-in-the-sky naïveté. “Peace Nik,” they’ll call you derisively. They’ll trot out Neville Chamberlain as an example of peace’s inherent weakness and failure, while never giving a fair accounting of the costs and failures of war.

If I can encourage you to be a rebel on one thing, let it be peace. 10,000 years of inner and outer conflict has not served humanity. Maybe, as great John Lennon sang, it’s time to “Give Peace a chance.”

These affirmations, used regularly, help you promote peace starting with you.

  1. I am the embodiment of peace in all I think, say, and do.

  2. I pray for peace. I work for peace. I achieve peace.

  3. I am the epicenter of a peace pandemic in my world.

  4. Peace comes to my world one person at a time beginning with me.

  5. My world is what I make of it and I choose to make it a peaceful place to be.

  6. My mind is peaceful. My body is peaceful. My spirit is peaceful.

  7. I am infused with inner peace, vitality, and joy.

  8. Today I am relaxed. Today I am serene. Today I am at peace.

  9. I choose peace over anger.

  10. I refuse to allow the stresses of my day to steal my peace of mind.

  11. Peace within. Peace without. Peace is my only and final answer.

  12. I am a source of peace in my world in every way I affect it.

As the saying goes, my friends. “There is no way to peace. Peace IS the way.”


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