5 Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself with Others

We know comparing ourselves to other people is generally not a positive experience. We often compare are ourselves to people who have what we want, look like we want to, or have another attribute that creates our longing to be them or be like them.

Comparison is the death of originality and a constant hit to your self-esteem. Your journey is about you. Their journey is about them. Always remember it.

Here are 5 quick tips for stopping the comparison and loving your Journey more than ever.

  1. Honor your journey - respect the integrity and the value of your journey. You must believe you are here for an important purpose to achieve amazing things.
  2. They have challenges too - what you see when your compare yourself to others is them at their best and you as a distant. You don't see the hard work or hardship in their journey that got them where they are.
  3. They did it. You can too - they earned your envy and adoration by staying true their path. That is how you will achieve your full potential too.
  4. Let them inspire - comparison may be unhealthy, but inspiration is not. Let their story inspire you to be you not them.
  5. There is only ONE YOU - in all of time and space, there's no other you. You're one in a trillion! You're your own light. You need not bask in someone else's.

Oh, and by the way, just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
