Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

They say you are what you eat and it's true. Equally, true is you are what you think. What you think constantly - your Self-talk - is who you become. How many times a day are you thinking and even saying these limiting words and allowing them to take root in your consciousness? The first step is to notice them. The second is to eliminate or at least reduce them.

  1. I can't...
  2. I'll never...
  3. I'm too...
  4. I'm powerless to...
  5. I'm not as good as...
  6. I'm no good at...
  7. I'm a victim of...
  8. It's just the way I am.
  9. I always (negative thought)...
  10. (Some outside force...often God or government) will do it for me.
  11. I'm not meant to be happy, successful, etc.

You may may hear these in your head or you may have some of your own. Reverse your limiting thoughts and turn them into your affirmations. Use the affirmations until you have banished the limiting thoughts. Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


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