Why Affirmation Repetition Matters

A common question I hear is, “Do I really have to repeat affirmations over and over?” The short answer is yes and here’s why.

Our conscious and subconscious minds are both constantly filtering information about the world around us. We often use that power of the conscious mind to our benefit. It helps us find our friend in a crowd of faces or pick the best bananas at the store.

However, the subconscious mind filters without your control. It will show you the world IT expects or seeks. It's filtering your world all day every day. It's filtering it based on its dominant thought or mindset. If it chooses to see the negative, the obstacles, and all the problems in the world, that's the world it presents to you.

The problem is, for the vast majority of people, that negative vision is what you'll get unless you intervene. You see, for most the human species' existence, identifying danger was the constant concern of the subconscious mind. That's why it continues to be the default setting.

You may say or listen to an affirmation a few times and you're conscious mind says, "I've got it." That's great, but your subconscious mind does not yet. If you want to change that subconscious filter, you must bombard your subconscious constantly with thoughts of your choosing to help shift its paradigm to begin showing you hope, opportunity, and the positives in the world.

One only need look at today's headlines to see what happens when we don't shift this process. Everywhere what divides us, limits us, prevents us from being more is the dominant thought of the popular culture.

That's because it's the dominant thought of an untrained collective human subconscious.

Retraining that collective subconscious is done one person at at time by feeding it with more positive thoughts, images, and ideas to help it begin selecting a better paradigm and eventually a better world for us all to live in.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, You ARE awesome!
