Thoughts Literally Create Our Lives and Our Headlines

The message of affirmations, raising your vibration, and shifting the world is not really complex. It’s ubiquitous as the baseline of spiritual teachings from around the world. That premise is now backed by decades of scientific confirmation. As Mike Dooley says, “Thoughts become things.”

1) Our feelings become our thoughts.
2) Our thoughts become our actions.
3) Our actions become our individual lives.
4) The same is true for everyone else around us.
5) Our collective feelings, thoughts, and actions become our daily headlines.

There’s a simple valve at the beginning of that process. Most humans, for whatever reason - nature, nurture, or both - have a rather negative default setting that forms the basis of their feelings. Unguarded, that negativity passes into their thoughts and actions and becomes the world we see around us.

Meditation, prayer, affirmations are all methods for learning to guard the the thoughts by raising their vibration to something productive rather than destructive.

We are constantly telling ourselves a story about our world and ourselves. That story generally creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Those thoughts:

I am/I am not
I can/I can’t
I’m amazing/I’m f’d up

are constantly flowing through our minds, into our actions, and out into the world. Because it’s unconscious and mainly reactionary, unless we consciously choose to change it, our world winds up being a summation of that thinking and those actions.

People are angry and empty and they don’t even know why.

All I’m saying is two simple things:

1) You’re in control of your thoughts and they go a long way toward creating your life.
2) The more people get that and apply it, the better world we’ll collectively create.

It’s not vapid, vague, or incomprehensible. It’s backed by tons of modern science and 5000 thousand years of spiritual teaching. Anyone can apply these principles by controlling that valve between raw emotion and productive thoughts and actions that move us forward.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, TOU are awesome!
