The Answers: They're Inside Us

Just like a person, a nation and a species cannot look anywhere and not see its conscious and unconscious choices manifested.

Indifference to injustice burns things down as surely as a match. Intolerance for different opinions ends a civil society. Playing into the game of "Us" and "Them" only allows the gatekeepers of an unhappy status quo to extend their games of control.

Mindset makes us and mindsets break us. If we live by our aspirations rather than our grievances, we'll climb every mountain that stands between us and better future.

If we choose to persist in paradigms that keep us weak, divided, and conquered; there's probably no way to prevent our eventual self-destruction.
That choice does not begin with anyone else. It does not depend on the outcome of any election. It starts with you and me and it starts right now!

Don't worry. That's great news. You don't have to count on anyone to begin the change but you.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are AWESOME!
