Make a Wish!

Hey, my friends, Good Friday to you!

Blogging, by its very nature, is a form of one-way communication. It's the blogger sharing his or her stream of consciousness with the world on regular basis.

We've been through some crazy, challenging, and hopefully enlightening times in 2020 and it's only half over.

I'd REALLY like to hear from you today. If you had the superpower to grant the world one wish right now, what would it be?

Please share wish for the world in the comments below. As I talk about often on this blog, there is power in putting thoughts and ideas out into the world. In fact, they're the building blocks of the world. Maybe putting your empowering wish out there will help change the world, if only by the breadth of butterfly flapping its wings.

Please share your deepest with for the world below.

As always, just in case no one else has reminded you today, you're awesome!


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