Actually Become Your Social Media You…IN MOST WAYS


In the infinity of time and space, the coming of another orbit of the earth around our Star is barely noticeable. Yet, for human beings these passages are deeply meaningful. They help us separate our lives into meaningful chunks.

As we emerge from a challenging few months and see that we may not be back to anything resembling normal for a while, it’s the perfect moment to reflect, set new goals, and make promises about the person we're going to be going forward.

What promises, goals, and resolutions can you make today and how will you track your progress? Here's an easy measure applicable to anyone participating in social media. Remodel your inner self to be the person you project yourself to be on social media.

  1. Care as much about other people as you do on social media.

  2. Care as much about the earth as you do on social media.

  3. Spread humor and laugh heartily as you do on social media.

  4. Be your best self each day like you are on social media.

  5. Work for the changes you want to see in the world as much as you post about them on social media.

  6. Live the good life you project on social media.

  7. Be as good of an entrepreneur as you portray yourself as on social media.

  8. Live up to your spiritual values to an extent that matches what you say on social media.

  9. Care about political reform as passionately as you speak of it on social media.

Finally, here’s one thing you can bring from the real world to your social media life. Never say something to someone on social media that you wouldn’t say to their face. That alone would make social media the useful tool it ought to be and diminish the vitriol.

For those who use these platforms, you've already created this idyllic version of your life that you aspire to live and a you that you aspire to be. To live it, simply start aligning your reality with that projection. It's not fake if you make it real.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you're awesome!
