Justice Affirmations Video

We are living in a world with a lot of injustice and the cost of that injustice is getting more burdensome by the day. The way to a more just society is create a more just populace and that begins with you and me.

These affirmations are aimed at helping you establish justice as a foundational part of your character

Here are the affirmations.

  1. My World is what I make of it and I choose to make it a just place to be.

  2. I stand for justice for all people.

  3. I work for justice for all people.

  4. I demand justice for all people.

  5. I am the embodiment of justice.

  6. I am just in my thoughts.

  7. I am just in my words.

  8. I am just in my actions.

  9. I refuse to let injustice win.

Enjoy. As always, bookmark this recording and listen for 21 - 30 days for best results.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!
