The Life of a Nation in Chaos

The life of a nation is like the life of a person. We’re given challenges so we can get better. I’d say the past few months and the current sad situation around the country are both such opportunities.

Like a person, a nation can continue to ignore its issues and its need to be better or it can seize the opportunity and the responsibility for making itself better.

For better or for worse, our country, our world, and our species is undergoing profound changes. They will be coming more and more rapidly. Minds stuck in old thinking will find themselves in great distress. Even the most enlightened minds among us will be greatly challenged.

Positive people seeking to steer these changes in high vibration directions can no longer afford to be bystanders. Either positive energy or nefarious energy is going to set the tone going forward. Our moment of decision on which it will prevail has arrived.

I leave you with some “We” affirmations.

Through our struggles, we are becoming a better nation.
Through our struggles, we are becoming better people.
Through our struggles, we are learning to see injustice and to stop it.
Through our struggles, we are learning to see the greater good and to act upon it.
Through our struggles, We are becoming the men/women we came to the planet to be.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!

Peace, prosperity, and health to you and yours.
