10 "I Refuse" Affirmations

I believe in mixing up affirmations and not always following the standard pattern. Really, any words that you say to yourself and that powerfully resonate with you qualify as an affirmation.

I love the word refuse. To me, it's a very powerful word. Here are 10 refuse affirmations for your Friday.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


I REFUSE to allow my dreams to become victims of my fears.
I REFUSE to allow injustice to prevail in my world.
I REFUSE to be divided into "Us" and "Them."
I REFUSE to allow other peoples' opinions to rule my thinking.
I REFUSE to be limited by my past.
I REFUSE to be limited by my present circumstances.
I REFUSE to stop.
I REFUSE to be denied.
I REFUSE to allow peace to lose in my world.
I REFUSE to allow love to lose in my world.

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