50 Thank Yous

There are no two words in any language as powerful as "thank you." They are an affirmation unto themselves. For our gratitude spreads out into the universe and brings us more to be grateful for.

Here are 100 things to be thankful for. Whether they are yours now or aspirational at this moment, feeling and expressing your gratitude brings them closer to you. Use the ones that feel appropriate to your daily gratitude practice and add others that are special to you.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


  1. Thank you for my life.
  2. Thank you for the people who love and support me in my life.
  3. Thank you for air to breathe.
  4. Thank you for my healthy body.
  5. Thank you for my healthy mind.
  6. Thank you for food to eat.
  7. Thank you for water to drink.
  8. Thank you for shelter over my head.
  9. Thank you for a place to sleep.
  10. Thank you for the freedom to think and to speak.
  11. Thank you for the sun.
  12. Thank you for the rain.
  13. Thank you for the wind.
  14. Thank you for love in my life.
  15. Thank you for abundance in my life.
  16. Thank you for joy in my life.
  17. Thank you for peace in life.
  18. Thank you for challenges in my life.
  19. Thank you hands that work.
  20. Thank you eyes that see.
  21. Thank you for ears that hear.
  22. Thank you for a healthy heart.
  23. Thank you for healthy lungs.
  24. Thank you for strong arms.
  25. Thank you for strong legs.
  26. Thank you for a strong back.
  27. Thank you for wisdom.
  28. Thank you for courage.
  29. Thank you for patience.
  30. Thank you for a chance to become more than I am.
  31. Thank you for freedom.
  32. Thank you justice.
  33. Thank you for peace in the world.
  34. Thank you for those who help my life in ways I can't even see.
  35. Thank you for flowers.
  36. Thank you for trees.
  37. Thank you for green grass.
  38. Thank you for a beautiful blue sky.
  39. Thank you for rushing rivers.
  40. Thank you for the powerful ocean.
  41. Thank you for the stars above.
  42. Thank you for the chance to be generous.
  43. Thank you for the chance to support others.
  44. Thank you for the chance spread joy.
  45. Thank you for the chance to be the person I came here to be.
  46. Thank you for a today better than yesterday.
  47. Thank you for future better than today.
  48. Thank you lessons I learn along the way.
  49. Thank you everything I've forgotten.
  50. Thank you for everything coming my way.