When Everything Wasn’t An Emergency - Day 311 of 365 Days to a Better You

Are you old enough to remember? There was a time not all that long ago when every single solitary thing wasn't an emergency.There was no 24/7 news cycle to turn mundane events into level 10 crises. People actually drove from here to there without the need to talk to or text anyone. Kids had daily summer adventures and their parents had no clue where they were all day. A conversation was between two or a few people within earshot of each other or over a phone connection. It wasn't a viral event in front of millions of eyes stirring hair trigger controversy.To be sure, there were drawbacks to those days as well. I'm not suggesting you abandon the benefits today's tech has provided. I am saying it's incumbent upon you to know when too much is enough. You must be smart consumers of the firehose of information pointed your way, weeding through the crisis of the minute and focus on what's really important. You must reclaim your ability to have disagreement within our free society without sacrificing your sanity,Not everything is an emergency. Not every battle is worth having just because it rolls through your information stream. You need not juggle a thousand data points on every aspect of your day just because you can.It's beneficial to unplug, step off the information treadmill, and release the need to be in 24/7 crisis mode about literally everything.The world used to spin around just fine without our moment-to-moment monitoring. It can again for you, if you're willing to take a breath and restore the balance between the ability to know everything and the need to.Just in case no one has reminded you today, YOU are awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal