Opportunity Affirmations

Today's Thought:

"Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door."~Emily Dickinson

focus on success magnifying glassIf there is one defining difference between positive thinkers and negative thinkers, successful people and unsuccessful people, happy people and unhappy people; it must be their responses to opportunity.

Those on the negative of scale see few opportunities. It's not enough for opportunity to knock on their door. They expect opportunity to break their door down and plead with them to pursue it. They go through life with arms crossed, doubting everything and everyone, and hanging a big "NO" sign on their foreheads. They can see only the risk and not the reward. And life obliges by constantly appearing risky and saying "NO" to them.

Those on the successful side see opportunities everywhere and are always listening for the lightest knock of opportunity upon their doors. "Never knowing when the dawn will come," as Dickinson says, these people position themselves to say "YES" to life because they know that is how life will say "YES" to them. They know that there is no reward without risk, but they are able to focus on the rewards. And life obliges by bringing both opportunity and reward their way.

Which are you? When someone comes to you with an idea, do you try to see the vision or do you look for the nearest escape hatch? Do you dream and follow your dreams or consider them a meaningless waste of time? You see, life is watching and it is constantly manifesting precisely what you expect from it.

Here are 13 opportunity affirmations written to help you commit to seizing opportunities and running with them. Dream on!

  1. Today is MY day! The winds of opportunity are blowing my way!
  2. Every day is blank and I am eager to fill it up with new possibilities!
  3. I see opportunities! I seize opportunities! I capitalize on opportunities!
  4. The more opportunities I listen to, the more opportunities I find!
  5. When I am ready to try, I am ready to fly!
  6. When I open the door for opportunity, I open the door for my dreams!
  7. When opportunity knocks, I am the first one to the door!
  8. As long as there is breath, there is opportunity!
  9. Opportunity is everywhere for me! My personal economy is booming!
  10. My missed opportunities are really my new opportunities!
  11. I say YES to life and life says YES to me!
  12. Defeat is my opportunity! Victory is my opportunity! Every circumstance is my opportunity!
  13. The Universe showers me with opportunities and today I make the most of them!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal