Eat Your Dessert First - Day 309 of 365 Days to a Better You

You should always listen to your grandmother. Mine once told me you should always eat dessert first...just in case.Today we buried my father-in-law. He was a good man who, despite his many challenges, always brought a smile to other peoples' faces. As I said my final goodbyes to him, my grandmother's words came back to me. In fact, they took on a new and more profound meaning.Sure, there's the plain meaning of eat the chocolate cake before the meal. Who can argue with the wisdom of that?What, though, if dessert is a metaphor for all the good and important things in life? What if eating your dessert first means spending the time now with the people you love? What if it means to stop putting off your most important goals and dreams? What if means to stop denying yourself meaningful experiences because you don't have time or they cost too much? EAT YOUR DESSERT FIRST!One day each of us will lay in that box with our friends and loved ones looking over us to say their goodbyes. Will your belly be full of all life's mundane necessities or will your face be smeared with the chocolate frosting of a life well-lived? You're making that decision now with every choice you make.Hey, just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!Have a great evening, my friends.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal