We Are All Unforgetting The Past - Day 308 of 365 Days to a Better You

We are in the process of unforgetting our past and THAT will change our future!Every human being drawing a breath on this planet readily acknowledges he or she has a stake in the future. What many never consider is that they have just as big a stake in the past - in its transparency, its accuracy, and its meaning.Most people you know probably hate history and find things that happened - even yesterday - meaningless. There's a certain wisdom in not holding on to things, in releasing them. That's different than thinking the past doesn't matter.Who we are, everything we think and believe, what our DNA says, how our solar system formed, and who brought us into being are all aspects of our reality that create an assumed, almost unnoticed, foundation for our reality. They make a HUGE difference.We live in a time awash in information, yet still thirsty for knowledge. We live in a time of "truth movements" that only seem to further confuse the truth, not mention angering us and knocking us off our true game.There are most assuredly answers out there, but the biggest answers lie within. We're not really learning things as we look back in time, we're remembering them. For, though we've crossed the River Styx and forgotten, we played a part in that past.Maybe we're here in this pivotal moment to remind ourselves and to remember. By remembering the past, we will forever change it. When we change the past, we change the present. Changing the present means we chart a new course for humanity into a brave new future.Stay thirsty for the knowledge and keep remembering!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal