Change Your Mind - Day 303 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today's ThoughtWe must break our habitual thinking and learn to see life with fresh eyes each day.If you get up every day and think the same thoughts you thought yesterday and the day before that, what's the point? If you're not changing your mind once in a while, you're not growing, you're not learning, you're just stuck.Now you might be thinking, "Hey, wait a minute. There are timeless beliefs and ideals that I don't want to change."Fair enough. I will guarantee you (and me), though that there are thoughts you've thought for decades that harm you or harm others, that limit you or limit others, that include some people and exclude others.Who are your thoughts harming? Who are they limiting? Who are they excluding? What have you deemed impossible because that's what you've always thought? What are you missing because you've closed yourself off to different possibilities because you're afraid of the cognitive dissonance carnage that might result from challenging your old ideas?Some of these thoughts you've wanted to jettison for a long time, but they're comfort food for the mind. They feel safe and sure and consistent.I'm calling on you and me to change our minds. Let's change what we believe about our potential as a species. Let's change the zero sum game of, "We're 100 percent right and you're 100 percent wrong." Let's be open to the fact that the world can change for the better, people can change for the better, and we can change for the better.You're going to wake up tomorrow morning and every fiber of your being is going to want to slice into seeing the world you've always seen. What if...what if tomorrow you change your mind and see it with new eyes?In case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal