Stop Conforming - Day 302 of 365 Days to a Better You

Too often you revere paradigms that enslave your thinking and limit your possibilities. Stop it! You're not here to live by their expectations. You're not here follow the rule book to a T. You're here to live out a unique experience in all the universe - your life in this place at this moment.So, laugh out loud. Use your outdoor voice inside. Color outside the lines. Do it not because you disrespect your society, but because you know it can be better, saner, and more fun. Status quos are for breaking. Like everything else in this universe, paradigms must perish to make room for their next incarnation.There are no extra points at the end of the game for exceptional conformity. There is a simply a life well-lived or a life well-worried.So, dance heartily and joyfully in the the rainstorm of change that showers down upon you each and every day.In case no one else reminded you today, you are awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal