I OWN Affirmations - Day 270 of 365 Days to a Better You

There is no freedom like ownership. There is no ownership like ownership over the aspects of your life you can control. These affirmations focus on taking ownership of those parts of life and gaining a greater freedom. Remember, as with all affirmations, repetition and belief are critical. Post them, say them, or record and listen to them.Note: Links go to more affirmations for that word on the TAS Website.

  1. I OWN my mindsets.
  2. I OWN my choices.
  3. I OWN my part in my relationships.
  4. I OWN my successes and my failures.
  5. I OWM my career path.
  6. I OWN my spiritual path.
  7. I OWN my commitment to keep learning.
  8. I OWN my greatness.
  9. I OWN my integrity.
  10. I OWN my compassion.
  11. I OWN my outcomes.
  12. I OWN my past.
  13. I OWN my present.
  14. I OWN my future.

This list will get you started. Add others that makes sense for you. Remember the more you own and the more you own up to owning, the freer you are.You are all amazing! OWN that!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us