20 Wise Nuggets to Shift Your Paradigm - Day 259 of 365 Days to a Better You

I hope you had a great weekend! Sorry I missed posting yesterday. April and I were busy becoming grandparents for the third time. We spent the night in the hospital last night and we were rewarded this morning with s new granddaughter.In the pursuit of your best self, it's expected that a premium is placed on action. After all, action is what ultimately carries you to your destination. Yet, as we've discussed before, your thoughts are the fuel. Better thoughts are better fuel. Deep thinking and insight can lead to better thoughts.Here are 20 insights from my eBook The Power to Be You. May they help you upgrade your fuel for the coming journey.

  1. Sometimes you have to forget "the facts" and follow your heart.
  2. Your greatness is revealed not by the lights that shine upon you, but by the light that shines within you.
  3. Your mind is an information vacuum. Either you fill it with thoughts of your choosing or someone else will.
  4. You are here to bring the formless into form, make the invisible visible, and manifest the unmanifest. How cool is that?
  5. Nobody else's happiness is your responsibility. Everyone else's happiness is your concern.
  6. Following all the rules brings a completed checklist. Following your heart brings a completed you!
  7. Life's first great revelation is you're not perfect. Life's second great revelation is you're amazing any way.
  8. You are a one in a trillion miracle and so is everyone and everything around you. Together, we are one massive miracle in motion.
  9. When you act boldly and with belief, the Universe doubles down on you.
  10. THIS moment is a profound blank canvas that recurs all day long each and every day for you.
  11. Look up into the wide-open sky. Behold the distant horizon. Know your potential is as limitless as they are.
  12. Ask yourself this question daily. “If I was multiplied by 6.5 billion, would the world be a better place?” Adjust accordingly.
  13. Be flexible today. Remember your plan is a road map not a straight jacket. Don't lose the dream by getting stuck in the steps.
  14. Happiness is a limitless resource not a zero-sum game. There is plenty to go around. Have yours and support others in having theirs too.
  15. The word "Yes" is the birthplace of infinite possibilities. Let “Yes” resonate through your life today.
  16. What is outside you can make a happy day. Only what is inside you can make a happy life.
  17. You are an amazing being full of light, if only you’d see it. You came here to be a game-changing miracle, if only you’d be it.
  18. Tomorrow's world is born in your mind today. A better world lives just on the other side of your willingness to believe in it.
  19. Sometimes being happy means forgiving what you can, forgetting what you must, and seeing beauty in all.
  20. Doubt is a momentary forgetting of who you are and why you're here. Confidence is simply remembering it.

Stay inspired, my friends. Let's create an amazing week on its way to an amazing world together.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us