6 Tips to Keep the Fire Burning - Day 258 of 365 Days to a Better You

Not one of us is on our game every single day. Let's be honest. There are days , or longer sometimes, when you're just not feeling it. The spark is flickering and you'd rather just pull the covers back over your head or binge watch some TV than chase down your dreams.OK. You need a breather sometimes and it's wise to recognize it. However, when the breather becomes stagnation, procrastination, and a general lack of concern for goals that had you on fire; it's time to intervene.Here are a few tips to re-light your pilot light and get back on your path.

  1. Revisit your goals and dreams. In the heat of pursuing your dreams, it's possible to lose touch with your WHY. Your WHY is the emotional fire that got you started. Use it to reignite the engines.
  1. Change your goals and dreams. Listen closely when you try to reconnect with your existing goals and dreams. Things change. You change. Sometimes you simply lose interest in your those goals, those dreams, and that why behind them. It's perfectly fine to acknowledge that, change course, or begin again. In for a penny, does not mean you have to stay in against your will all the way to the pound.
  2. Take the pressure off. Maybe you still want those goals and those dreams, but you're feeling unsure how to proceed and that's manifesting as engaging in distraction and delay. You might be feeling like you're facing a blank page you have to fill every day to keep this path going. You're not alone. Ask for help. Ask for advice from people further along your path. Go within. Part of the reason you have those specific dreams, goals, and why is because it's part and parcel to who you are and who you're meant to be. Get quiet and listen. The answers are there. You don't have to consciously make this sh*t up as you go. God, the Universe, however you want to term that, has your back.
  3. Affirm. If you've determined you're still in the right path or made the necessary adjustments and you've listened for the answers, get your heart and mind re-engaged by affirming that YOU CAN DO THIS AND YOU ARE DOING IT!
  4. Act. The break's over. You've changed the oil and rotated the tires. Time to get back on the road. You don't have to start HUGE. Just start. Remember: thoughts and emotion are the fuel for your dream, but action is its hands and feet.
  5. Finally, DO NOT beat yourself up. You have goals to achieve and dreams to realize. There's no time for a pity party. The world needs what you have to offer. S, get to it!

Have an amazing and inspired day, my friends!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us