Release Yesterday - Day 212 of 365 Days to a Better You

"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."

~Will Rogers

You only get 24 hours each day. If you're spending part of today still living or reliving yesterday, you'll miss today's opportunities. Do it for days, weeks, months, or years and life passes you by.We humans are emotional magnets. We walk through life attracting and attaching to emotional states. Some serve us and some don't. As a rule of thumb, those that keep us stuck in yesterday don't serve us.Yesterday often has a compelling tale to tell as to why you should invest more time in it. It gloms onto you, begging you to stay engaged. The problem is there's nothing to be gained there. Today is the only day when you can take actions that help you, help others, and help the world.Greek myth tells us of the sirens. These were dangerous creatures who lured sailors with their enchanting songs and beautiful voices. Those who followed the sound wound up shipwrecked on the rocks and destroyed.Yesterday, if you get stuck there, is a siren. There's nothing there for you but destruction. Your way is forward not back. Your future awaits and today is the only key that opens it.Stay inspired, my friends! Remember, there's almost no place you can look in your world today and not see a miracle in motion.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal