You Time - Day 211 of 365 Days to a Better You

Are you the hardest worker you know? Excellent! Are you always the one who makes sure everyone else's needs are met? It's a worthy aspiration. Do you have enough You Time?Most of us were taught that putting ourselves first is selfish and something we should never do. I guess the message was that there's something unholy about considering our needs and making sure they get met. Could that be why so many people feel so incomplete in our society?Have you been on a plane and been exposed to the safety briefing? You probably only half listened as you picked your movie, read the in-flight magazine, or tried to find a comfortable sleeping position.Have you ever noticed the instructions when they get to that part about the cabin losing pressure and the oxygen masks dropping from the ceiling? Secure your oxygen mask first before you helping others. It seems like common sense, right? I mean if you can't breathe, you can really help someone else can you?Yet because of that life-long conditioning about always putting other people first, you go through life pretending you can proverbially breathe while you're helping everyone else secure their proverbial oxygen masks first. Meanwhile, your goals and dreams and well-being are set aside. Soon they're starved of oxygen.I'm not saying there's anything wrong with putting other people first or being selfless sometimes. I am saying that you need to secure your mask first because you won't be able to help others for long unless you do.Feed yourself and you will have more energy to help others. Starve yourself and you will poison your ability to help others.You're all amazing! Let's make this the best week of your year!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal