10 Things We Should All Be Learning from Friendly Dogs - Day 188 of 365 Days to a Better You

Few creatures in the world are as worthy of emulation as a happy, friendly dog. Here are 10 things we can all learn from them.

  1. Love (and lick) now. Ask questions later.
  2. Stop and smell every flower, if necessary.
  3. Wag your tail or something analogous a little more.
  4. Always be ready to play.
  5. When someone gives you something always bring it back.
  6. Sad eyes get people to do things.
  7. Always be trying to remove your leash. Who needs them?
  8. Don't stand on too much ceremony when it comes to food.
  9. Loyalty is not a question.
  10. Forget yesterday. It's a new day. There are new squirrels to chase.

Have a great Monday, my friends. Share this one with your favorite dog owner.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us