Listening to and Guiding Your Dreams - Day 187 of 365 Days to a Better You

Whether you recall them or not, you dream virtually every night. Many explanations for the purpose of dreams have been proposed. Many psychologists believe dreams are a way of clearing or working out unresolved issues from your waking life. For centuries, healers have probed and interpreted dreams for their symbolic and psychological meaning.In the book Seth Speaks, the channeled being Seth suggested dreams are a means of communication employed by the soul to keep us connected with parallel and reincarnated selves.Here's what indisputable. Our brains are using a great deal of energy as we sleep for some purpose. It behooves is to take advantage of our dreams to aid us in our daily lives.There are three important ways I've studied over the years to help dreams help you.

  1. Dream recall - the first step is to recall your dreams. It's hard to do much with dreams you can't remember. A couple of techniques that help. Focus, almost like saying affirmations, before you go to sleep on the idea that you will recall your dreams. When you wake up from a dream, lay perfectly still and ask yourself where was I just now? What was I doing? Questions like these help you remember. Record your dream as soon as you wake up. Dream recall often fades as the day wears on.
  2. Dream interpretation - there are many resources out there to help with interpreting the symbolic language of your dreams. They are very useful, but the first question to ask and explore is what did the dream mean to me?
  3. Lucid dreaming - with practice, it's possible to teach yourself to "wake up" in your dreams and experience them more directly. You may even become adept enough to control and manifest your dreams to use them for even deeper purposes.

Something is going on in your mind all night every night. It only makes sense that you get more involved with it and turn it to your advantage.Thanks for stopping by. You are absolutely amazing just in case no one else has reminded you today.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us