Focus on the Positive Energy - Day 164 of 365 Days to a Better You

The end of the day is a great time to reflect on the day. Focusing on the positive, successful, and happy things that happened not only ends your day strong, it gives you momentum for the next day.Tonight I'd encourage you to sit quietly and reflect on your day. As you move through your day in your mind, pause and re-experience the best things that happened to you, for you, or because of you today.Feel the positive energy of these events. Experience how good success and happiness feels and commit yourself to bringing more of that into your life. Ponder how you can build upon these positive events tomorrow and in the coming days.Life will always be a mix of positive and negative events. In the final analysis, your experience, your personality, and your habits will be formed by which you allow to dominate your thoughts. By taking time at the end of each day to focus on your wins, you ensure that the positive is what thrives in your consciousness.Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear what some of your wins were today below. You are all amazing. Never forget it!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us