See with New Eyes or Are You Missing Your Turkeys? - Day 163 of 365 Days to a Better You

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

~Marcel Proust

My black lab, Mia, and I were out for an evening walk a few minutes ago. One of the things I'll miss about our house in here in Massachusetts is the amazing nature just steps from our front door.Mia's 15 years old. Her eyes and ears don't work so well anymore, but her nose remains stellar. As we began our walk, three wild turkeys were walking up the aqueduct about 40 yards ahead of us.Mia immediately picked up the scent, ducked her head, and began following the path the turkeys had moments earlier. Despite my attempts to get her attention, she never looked up to see them as they sauntered silently away.Are you like Mia. Do you approach the world in the same way each day and wonder why you keep getting the same results. Opportunity might be right in front of you and you miss it because you're only "using your nose" and not all your senses to see those opportunities and take advantage of them.I've always loved the Marcel Proust quote above. He reminds us the solution to this dilemma - get up each day and look at the world in new ways. Drop your habitual way of seeing things, doing things, and thinking about things. The moment you do, I swear, there will be turkeys in your path you didn't see before.You ARE a one-in-a-trillion miracle. Never forget that! Thanks for stopping by. If this post spoke to you, please share it with someone else.Thank you so much for your support!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us