Tune Into Your Prosperity and Flourish - Day 148 of 365 Days to You

You can go to the ocean with a teaspoon or a bucket. The ocean doesn't care.

~Reverend Ike

Reverend Ike was using the ocean as a metaphor for God or the Universe in this fantastic quote. How do you feel about being prosperous? How do you feel about having the comforts you want?There are many people who are scandalized by the teachings of people like the late Reverend Ike or Joel Osteen. It's unholy to want things and to openly talk about it. It's unholy to ask God for abundance. There are a lot us, including me for many years, who believed it was somehow "unspiritual" to seek material well-being. Only it's not.I spent many years suffering in this mindset and there are I times I still battle it.  A lot of us have spent our lives trying to bring the ocean's bounty into our lives one teaspoonful at a time. It's exhausting and unnecessary. Bring a bucket! Bring a tub! God or the Universe, as you prefer, is not limited. There's no annual budget like a government. There's plenty for everyone.Power Hack: How do you get what you want?

  1. You have to be very clear what you want. Some of you will remember the days before pushbutton car radios that automatically go to the next station. As you manually tuned between stations, there was static if you weren't right on a station. You've got to tune into the "station" of what you want. Otherwise, your lack of clarity will just yield static.
  2. Get it in your mind. Once you know what you want, firmly fix it in your mind. "Thoughts become things," as Mike of Notes from the Universe has famously said.
  3. Write it down. Our minds are imperfect carriers of our goals. They can lose focus or forget. Write down your clear goal and keep it with you everywhere.
  4. Support it with positive thoughts and action. Positive thoughts are like fuel. If you have no rocket, you won't reach the atmosphere. Action is like a rocket with no fuel. You'll never get off the ground. Support your goal with empowered thoughts and inspired action.
  5. Get as many senses involved as possible. If your goal is tangible, take opportunities to experience what you want before you have it. Feel it, smell, taste it, see it. hear it. Scientific fact: your brain doesn't know the difference between high sensory inputs and the real thing.

You were not made to squeak by and feel guilty for doing that. You were not made to watch others achieve their dreams, while you still struggle for yours. I'm not saying there's not patience and hard work involved. There is. I am saying, though, you were made to flourish.Homework: I want you to go to the dictionary right now and look up the word flourish. Once you've absorbed its meaning, commit yourself to creating a life for yourself and for your loved ones that could be described as flourishing.As always, I am deeply appreciative of you taking a few minutes to read the blog. I hope you came away with something that spoke to you today. If so, please share, like, comment, and subscribe.Stay amazing!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us