Crisis Mode - Day 139 of 365 Days to a Better You

It's often been noted that human beings have an amazing ability to come together in a crisis. Our compassion is elevated. We remember how miraculous and fragile our existence is. We express gratitude for what we have and a willingness to share it with others. It's an amazing thing to observe.Here's the question. Why does there have to be a crisis for us to elevate ourselves and each other to that level? If it's within us in moments of crisis, it's there all the time.That said, if you require a crisis to bring those noble qualities out in you, I have a crisis for you. We have created a crisis of personal, national, and global proportions. We've forgotten, if we ever truly knew, how to be civil to each other. We've forgotten how to work together. We've forgotten how to love one another as we love ourselves.Power Hack: Here's the good news. When you really think about it, this problem isn't hard to solve. We don't have to agree on everything to shift this vibration. We only have to agree on a few easy to agree upon premises that we pledge live by. Try these on for size.

  1. Allow every human being the space to breathe in and breathe out freely.
  2. Make today better than yesterday.
  3. Allow every human being access to the benefits of the abundant society we have strived for centuries to achieve.
  4. Ensure tomorrow is better than today for our children and grandchildren.

That easy, you might question? Yes. These premises are the simple WHAT that any person of good will can agree upon. Together we can and we must work on the HOWs.We simply need to begin thinking, acting, and interacting in ways that promote building something rather than burning it all down. Every one of us can and does have a platform to the world today, with the tools at our disposal, to change the vibe in the world.How are you using yours? Are you building or burning down? Are you contributing to meeting the four common sense objectives above or are you busy trying to score points and win arguments?We will measure the results in terms of peace rather than war, universal abundance rather the mass disparity, and every human being striving to become the highest version of himself or herself.If we can't come together in a compact to achieve these four objectives, then what difference will all the political points or winning arguments make?The world you and I live in is our creation. We create and recreate it every day. Sure there are negative players. Sure there are disagreements on the HOWs. We don't need everybody to come along to make it work. We only need a critical mass committed to birthing that world.Don't be surprised when I tell you that critical mass begins right here with you and I.Stay the course! You are making a difference!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us