That ONE Thing About Yourself - Day 138 of 365 Days to a Better You

You know what it is. There's that one thing about yourself that you could change, you want to change, but you just haven't. You started a hundred times. You've promised yourself a hundred times more.It's not something that requires years of work or training on spiritual practice. It's not something that requires you to change your finances or your location or the perfect time. It simply requires a different choice.You know what it is for you. It might be something big or something small. I want you to ponder it today. You don't have to take any immediate action. Just ponder how your life would be better, if you'd just adopt that one change. Think about what the steps are for you to change it. Close your eyes and see your life free of it.If, at the end of day, you decide now is the moment to make that change. Start tomorrow...not that nebulous tomorrow that never comes. Tomorrow, Sunday May 19, 2019.You are the engine of your dreams. They will never give up on you. Never give up on them!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us