Peeling Back Your Onion - Day 137 of 365 Days to a Better You

Look beneath the surface; let not the several quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee.

~Marcus Aurelius

You and I are far more than this momentary personality having these temporal experiences. Yet, we live much of our lives on a surface level, doing surface things and having surface thoughts. It's quite easy to get swept away by the surface currents and lose your ability probe the depths of your being.

An onion is a great metaphor for the complexity embodied by a human being. An onion is not really a solid mass. It's a myriad of thin layers packed tightly together in a ball. As you peel away each layer, a new, fresher layer is revealed. It takes some doing to literally peel all the layers away one-by-one to reach the core. It takes a lifetime, even with conscious action, to peel away all the layers of you.This, I would argue, is one of the central reasons you're here. You are a puzzle of your own making engaged in the challenge of solving yourself. That can only be done by going within. The outside world will distract you, but it will not guide you on this journey. Descriptions of the path by others can help you map your the terrain, but you alone hold the key to the core of you.Meditation, prayer, energy work, hypnosis, counseling; there are many modalities you can use to peel the layers and get to what's real. The problem isn't that you lack tools, it's only that you've lost focus.Today I'm sending a wake up call to you and to myself. Let's not get so focused on the surface that we forget to peel back our onions.Thank you so much for reading, sharing, and supporting this blog! Have a fantastic day!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us