Give Every Day a Meaning - Day 136 of 365 Days to a Better You

The number seven is holds an interesting place in human consciousness. We all know about "lucky seven," but consider these interesting things that come in sevens.

  • Days of the week - most scholars believe the reason so many cultures came up with a seven-day week is because of the seven easily visible astronomical objects in their skies - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Many world languages attest to this linkage.
  • Colors of the rainbow - remember colors are frequencies. The rainbow has seven colors - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Purple.
  • Musical notes - musical notes are also frequencies. Again, we find seven natural notes - A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. It's interesting to note that Pythagoras linked the seven musical notes to the seven colors of the rainbow. Based on numerology and mathematics, called seven the magic number because it combined three (which represented the spiritual) and four (which represented the material).
  • Chakras - in ancient India, they identified seven chakras - centers of energy in the human body. Again, these relate to frequencies and have been linked, since ancient times, to the seven colors in the rainbow.

Many years ago I created a weekly wheel where I assigned a meaning to each day of my week. I also linked each day to one of the seven colors. For me, this was a self-created spiritual practice to remind me to focus on certain aspects of my life as I moved through my week.It's interesting that western astrology, based on the linkage between the days of the week, has assigned an energy to each day as related to its celestial body.

  1. Monday (Moon Day) - day of true potential, intuition, and emotions.
  2. Tuesday (Mars Day) - day of action.
  3. Wednesday (Mercury Day) - day of communication and expression.
  4. Thursday (Jupiter Day) - day of positivity and expansion.
  5. Friday (Venus Day) - day of love and creativity.
  6. Saturday (Saturn Day) - day of taking responsibility and getting organized.
  7. Sunday (Sun Day) - day of relaxing, unwinding, and connecting to your inner self.

Power Hack: This list actually covers some really important concepts that would make a great daily focus. You certainly could use this as your template. I recommend, as I have done, personalizing this process. Think about what each day of the week means to you and the positive energy it brings into your life. Associate each day with that energy.Alternatively, identify seven areas of focus in your life and link each of them to a day of the week. This makes each day of the week the day when you remember to focus on that aspect of your life. You can make these permanent or you can change them to fit your current personal development needs.Is there power in the number seven? Do all these energies of our body, musical notes, and colors really have an impact upon we human beings? I'll leave that for you to decide. Whether you believe they do or not, linking seven important focuses in your life to the seven days of the week is a great way to stay focused on what is important to you.Keep challenging your truths!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us