The Confidence Factor - Day 102 of 365 Days to a Better You

Get "The C Factor"

As some of you know, I write sales training for a Fortune 100 company during the day. A few years ago I was tasked with developing a training that would help high-level sales reps selling to our biggest customers be more confident. We dubbed the course "The C Factor." Catchy, eh?No matter how cool, how successful, how rich, or how spiritual you may be, every single one of us has insecurities. We must battle them daily if we wish to make the "dent in the universe" we want to make. Confidence is an attribute we can all develop and the best way to overcome the self-doubt.Here are 10 ways to build your confidence.

  1. Give yourself credit - you are a one-in-a-trillion miracle. You are here to make a difference and make dent. You have everything you need to do just that.
  2. Easy successes - start with small things that give you easy wins and progress to more challenging goals. You may need to do this over and over in life as you embark on new avenues advancement.
  3. Remember past wins - draw strength, courage, insight, and determination from past successes you've had in other circumstances. These can and do apply to your newest, most challenging endeavors.
  4. Visualize success before it happens - whether through affirmations, vision boards, or visualization meditation, see yourself succeeding in your mind before you attempt it. As Sun-Tzu wrote, "Every battle is won before it's ever fought." See yourself how you want to be. See it, smell it, hear it, taste it, touch. The more senses you can involve the better.
  5. Take your own side - some people are constantly deferring to others. They never take their own side and become their own biggest supporter. This is not to say you act like and arrogant ass. Simply always be in your own corner. Really care about yourself and your dreams.
  6. Help others achieve their goals - nothing gives you more confidence than losing yourself in service to others. You can forget your challenges, loosen your mind, and get a new perspective. All this can help you build your confidence. Plus, you just might put some other people in your corner when it comes to going for your dreams.
  7. Do one thing that scares you - each and every day, do one thing that scares you. Confidence is about stretching yourself. When you "toughen up" in tough situations, it makes everything else easier.
  8. Shush your inner critic - your inner critic is always going to be your harshest critic. It's not your friend. It's not there to protect you. It's there to hold you back and it will if you let it.
  9. Take wise counsel - nothing builds your confidence more than talking to people who have been where you're going. Why wander in the wilderness when someone can give you a map?
  10. You got this - Stop hiding your light. Start feeding the greatness within you. Yes, you suffer setbacks, but they will make you stronger in the end. All the lessons on your journey become a new confidence within you that you can - and you will -handle anything!

"The C Factor" is yours for the taking!RayMore resources: