The Power of Thank You - Day 53 of 365 Days to a Better You
You can't say thank you too much.
There are two extremely powerful words that serve as a ready source of recognition in any situation and remind you how blessed you really are in this life. Those two words are “Thank you”.Do you say it enough? Do you take a moment to ensure that it's sincere when you do say it?I have a friend who does this constantly. He often makes a phone call or sends an e-mail for no other purpose than to say, “Thank you.” It’s never hurried and he’s always very present in the moment when he says it or writes it. That complete sense of sincerity comes across every time. When you are on the receiving end of it, you feel pretty darn good.There are many things that other people do for you all day long that offer you an opportunity to say a sincere, “Thank you.” Who knows, those two words might really make a person’s day.
- If you're a manager, a simple, sincere thank you might be all the recognition you are able to give. Give it. The surprising thing is that a thank you is enough for many employees.
- When you go through the check out line at the grocery store today, try looking the cashier squarely in the eye, smile, and say, “Thank you.” I’d be willing to bet you will be in a distinct minority and he or she will appreciate it and smile back.
- The late Wayne Dyer used to rise each morning and just say a general thank you, thank you, thank you to the universe for another day to be alive.
- Remember to use those two words regularly with your significant other and I guarantee it will bring you closer.
- Use them as a differentiator in business. Many in the business world forget to say it these days.
The amazing thing about spreading these two little words all day long is that you receive a gift in return. By remembering to say, “Thank you,” you remind yourself how many things, large and small, you truly have to be thankful for.Give it a try today. Set the goal of saying, “Thank you,” five, ten, or fifteen times depending on how many interactions you have with other people.You’ll feel better and so will the other person.Thank you to each of you for taking a moment out of your day to read this blog. The website continues to grow thanks to all of you! If you enjoy the blog and the affirmations, tell a friend about us!RayGuys, I'm trying to build my YouTube channel in 2019. I'd sure appreciate it if you'd consider subscribing.More reading: