Laughter is the Best Medicine - Day 52 of 365 Days to a Better You

Laugh more. It's good for you!

Thought of the DayAt the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

~ Jean Houston

Laugh, damn it, laugh! You've heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Think about it. When do you feel better than when you laugh?Laughter is one of the few human experiences that can – at least for the moment – make us forget and transcend any problem. In the moment of laughter, sadness, depression, stress, and worry are reduced to zero. It stands to reason that the more we laugh the less we experience these negative feelings and emotions and, as we have talked about on this blog, positive vibrations are the basis for successful, happy action in the world.Scientific research shows that laughter has an array of health benefits from stress reduction to a reduced risk of heart attack.Laughter is a readily accessible transformational experience.  It requires no practice or years of training. It's available any moment and anywhere you choose. By finding the funny side of life, you not only raise your vibration, you raise the world's because laughter is contagious. By spreading it, you're spreading health and well-being to the people around you.You might remember this viral video from about 10 years ago. It still makes me laugh and that's good for me, good for you, and good for us.[embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]RayMy friends, I'm really trying to grow my YouTube channel in 2019. I'd be so appreciative, if you'd give it a look, and if you like what you see, please subscribe. Thank you so much for your support!