10 Ideas to Empower Your You Right Now Day 41 of 365 Days to a Better You

10 Empowering Ideas 

The mind is like the body. When you feed it nourishing, nutritious ideas, it is a juggernaut. When you don’t, it falls into disrepair. Here are 10 Thoughts that you can keep in front of you today to nourish your mind. I have written them in the first person so that you can use them as affirmations/mantras. These thoughts will keep you rocking through your day.1) I am not a tool for money! Money is a tool for me!2) Kindness pays in a hundred ways.3) I use today to create my future, not rehash my past.4) The hero I am waiting for is waiting for me in the mirror!5) I am a miracle in motion!6) To receive more love, I become more love.7) My power to choose IS my power to change!8) My best IS good enough!9) My life/world is what I make of it.10) My dreams are waiting for me to come true. Today their wait is over!Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.Ray Please visit the TAS website, where you will find downloadable affirmations to add your playlist.